On Our Minds
Working with so many organizations across multiple issue areas gives us a unique view into what’s happening in the social sector. This is where we share our insights and ruminations.
On-Ramps at Edible Schoolyard
The On-Ramps team visited Edible Schoolyard NYC’s Brooklyn site and spent the day preparing for their Fall Festival. Edible Schoolyard’s programs change the preference, attitude and eating behaviors of young New Yorkers in favor of healthier foods. The Brooklyn site boasts a fully functioning half-acre garden, chickens, greenhouse and kitchen serving the greater community. Students prepare simple recipes, learn basic culinary skills and experiment with their taste palates. Our team decorated the greenhouse with hay bales, created a cobweb maze and painted tombstone to be displayed in the vegetable beds. Thanks again to Edible Schoolyard! We are continuous inspired by their enthusiasm, passion and commitment to healthy eating!